Is there anything more satisfying than finding a great, new writer to feed your reading habit? Well, how about discovering three all at the same time? These guys all have their own styles and unique imaginations. Even the way they describe themselves gives you a clue about their fascinating backgrounds; backgrounds which enrich their writing.
Give yourselves a treat and check out their books via the links below.
Guy Donovan
In the 1990s and 2000s, I worked on both television and feature films as an animator and storyboard artist/designer for Marvel Films, Hanna-Barbera, Sony Pictures, DreamWorks SKG, and Warner Bros Feature Animation, amongst others.
Now I work for the U.S. Government in return for a steady paycheck and job security, allowing me to continue my wasteful habits of eating and providing for my family.
I live in North Dakota, USA with my wife and daughter. Creatively starved by my government job, I turned to writing at the advice of my wife, a fellow Hollywood expatriate who writes both screenplays and novels. That led to my current obsession with 5th century Wales, which is the setting of my ‘Dragon’s Treasure’ series. The first two novels, ‘The Forgotten Princess of Môna’ and ‘A Cold, White Home’ are currently available as e-books and I continue toward completing the final two installments, which are written but as yet untitled.
Find out more at Guy’s Amazon author page.
Nav Logan
Many years ago, when I was just a small boy gazing in wonder at his first chest hair, I decided that I was going to become a tramp. I was going to drop out and go to Strathclyde. Why Strathclyde? God only knows, but every man must have a goal in life. Being an engineer or a pilot didn’t cut it for me. My soul was filled with wanderlust and the need for adventure.
So, after leaving home, I dropped out. I even went to Strathclyde, passing through it in a sleepy haze while being rocked gently to slumber in the passenger seat of an unknown truck.
Since then, I have done many things and seen many places, always following my instincts and trusting in my destiny. I am self-taught in many things; a jack of all trades and a master at none, but I’ve always got by. A strong self-belief has brought me through many adversities. I try to be the best I can be and often fail, but I continue, nevertheless.
I’ve been writing since I was that small boy, mainly poems and an occasional short story. Maerlin’s Storm was first written over a decade ago. It wasn’t something I planned to do. I didn’t wake up and say, I’m going to be an author. Far from it. Like many things in my life, it all started with a dream. The next morning, I wrote a poem. Later, it became a story and this small seed became my beanstalk. People read it and enjoyed it, but then life became busy again. For many years the story sat, collecting dust. It would have stayed on the shelf, forgotten, but fate had other plans.
I now have 5 published novels. Three are part of the Storm-Bringer Saga, an Epic Fantasy series. I also published a collection of drabbles and poems: Little Words … Full of Big Worlds, a collection of short stories and drabbles: Bananas in my Shorts, and a collaboration short story.
Find out more at Nav’s Amazon author page.
Rick Haynes
Hi, my name is Rick Haynes. I am an author and award winning Drabblist.
My passion is medieval fantasy but I also write short stories and Drabbles in many different genres.
This is my world.
Ever upwards, never stopping, the staircase to the heavens awaits all those wishing to dream.
And all you have to do is place one foot on the first step.
Consider the endless possibilities, as you climb higher and higher.
Boredom is unknown in my time and space, for can you not see the stars sparkling bright, ready to enlighten you?
Is your mind ready to absorb the endless possibilities of a million words?
And are you ready to join me on a magical journey?
I will embrace you with open arms.
And welcome you into the world of my imagination.
Find out more at Rick’s Amazon author page.

ART – Authors and Readers Together
ART is a banner under which a group of like-minded authors are working collaboratively with their readers to create stories designed to entertain, enchant and amaze. I’ll be using this logo on all ART related posts so keep your eyes peeled.